“Peace Beyond Understanding” – Philippians 4:7

“…and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:7

There are times in our lives when the circumstances that surround us seem too big to deal with. From the outside looking in, we especially don’t see how someone could handle such hardship. But there is a peace that passes all understanding; a peace that comes from God. When faced with difficult times a believer can find rest for his soul in the arms of Jesus.

To wholly trust in God is the only way to true peace. Proverbs tells us to not lean on our own understanding but to fully rely on God to direct us through troublesome times. We often rely on what we can see with our eyes and understand with our intellect rather than depending on God to help us when our situation can’t be merely “explained” away. I look at those who are in the middle of a trial and wonder if it were me, would I be able to have the same peace that they seem to have? However, something I’m constantly reminded of is that the peace that God gives comes just when we need it and rarely before. Putting our lives into the hands of God is liberation from the burden of the unknown. We can truly be at peace knowing that the Creator is in control.

The story of Jesus calming the storm can be of great comfort to us. We often feel like Jesus is sleeping during our storms which can be very unsettling but His slumber is not born out of indifference but He sleeps because He is at peace through the storm. When we cry out to Him, He is there to bring comfort in the chaos and utter a profound “Peace, Be Still” to our hearts.

What a testimony to the unbeliever when a child of God has peace in the midst of uncertainty. This is something that can not be ignored. They may not believe in the Bible or that Jesus is the Son of God but when they face the same hardships they remember how the believer was at peace and it is undeniable that we have something that they are missing. Let us go to God and ask Him for that peace that we can not understand with our earthly minds but welcome from His throne to guide us through the storms of this life.

Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. – Mark 4:39