CHURCHwithoutWALLS is starting!

“Don’t be afraid! Speak out! Don’t be silent! For I am with you, and no one will attack and harm you, for many people in this city belong to me.” – Acts 18:9b-10 NLT

I am so excited to announce that we will be holding our very first CHURCHwithoutWALLS open-air service on Sunday, July 5th at 7pm. For the story behind CHURCHwithoutWALLS, please click here.

Anyone who is interested can join us for 8 Sundays as we pray, sing, and study the Bible in the public square.

I truly believe that God is calling us out of our Church-ianity into the fray. The church is a refuge for the hurting and an equipping center for the saints, but what is it that God is equipping us to do? Is it not to go out into the world and call all to look on Christ and be saved? No doubt He wants us to live integrated lives rather then isolated ones. This is so that we can radiate His love to the lost and broken people of this world. Something like this will no doubt be uncomfortable at first but I am confident that Christ will be with us. The enemy is constantly trying to put doubt in my mind and heart, as if to say “Who do you think you are? You have no right to stand publicly and confess Jesus as Your Savior and share the Gospel in the community. I see how you live your life, you fail constantly.” That’s true. I do fall short. I am a typical human. He will also be trying to instill fear in us as we desire to be a part of this radically overt display of our true identity as Christ-followers. But if not us, then who? If God wanted us to wait until we felt worthy, then when would we ever do anything for the Kingdom cause?

If you or someone you know lives in the North Penn/Lansdale area and would like to join us for CHURCHwithoutWALLS, please send this post to them.

If you are unable to join us then I ask for your prayers as I prepare to speak on these 8 Sundays. I want to be a vessel that God can use.

